SportsEngine Registration: Summerlin South Little League

Waiver Upload System



This portal is used to upload a waiver if your player does not live in Summerlin South Little League's boundaries.  Please note that submission of a waiver does not guarantee enrollment in the league, and is only the start of the waiver process.  The following waivers can be uploaded in this system:

  • School Enrollment Form (for those who live outside the league's boundaries but attend a school located within it);
  • Regulation II(d) Waiver (for players who formally lived or went to school within the league's boundaries but do not any longer);
  • Regulation IV(h) Waiver (for longstanding volunteers who previously lived within the league's boundaries but do not any longer); and
  • General Waiver (for those who do not live or go to school in the league's boundaries and do not qualify for any other form of waiver).

You can read more about waivers, their restrictions, and access the forms here



Please direct questions to:

Michelle Hernandez


Phone: 702-299-6226